Colm Qerel

< Born of the Steppe, lost in Eorzea >


The scent of burnt incense and oak peppers your nose as you draw closer, his body radiating heat like an earthly star. His expression is taunting, cocky, and a little narcissistic. Looking upon you with amusement, he sizes you up as he awaits for what you want to ask of him.

Q: Colm is not a Steppe name. Where were you born?
"I am of the Steppe," he replies affirmatively, folding his hands in on themselves before cracking his knuckles. "My birthname is 'Tseren', but it does not come easy to the Eorzean tongue. To them, 'Colm' is easy. So, I am Colm. I have been Colm for two years."

Q: Only two years in Eorzea? You speak the dialect very well!
He grins ear-to-ear, his previously impassive face breaking into contentment. "I practice a lot. Contractions are still hard for me. We do not have them in in my mother tongue. Your phrases are also hard to remember... but very fun!"

Q: What brought you from the Steppe?
"I want to be challenged," he says, stretching his arms in circles, a small, satisfied exhale following not long after. "I am Qerel, but I do not fight like Qerel. Eorzea has many strong fighters to learn from."

Q: ... You don't fight like a Qerel?
Suddenly a little sheepish, he scratches his back awkwardly, still laughing. "The Qerel use the axe. The weapon never called to me like it did to my brothers. But, it does not slow me down! My fists are strong."

Q: So... you can fight. What else can you do?
He props his elbows onto his knees and leans towards you, his eyes serious, searching for a response. "I make tea," he states after a moment, deadpan. He then leans back into his chair, nodding to himself -- clearly satisfied with his own answer. You best move on.

Q: What can't you do?
"I try my hardest at whatever I do," he replies, his trademark smirk returning. "I think that anyone can do anything, if they try hard and enough times. If they do not try hard enough, they should try again. If they do not try again, they fail. I never fail."

Q: Why're you so awesome?
He pauses, before laughing heartily -- his shoulders heaving as he gathers himself. "I am me," he replies simply, staring at you with half-lidded eyes -- the remnants of laughter still quirking his lips into barely repressed mirth. "If I am 'awesome', then I will wear that title."


Trials of the Qerel: Raised from birth to be a Warrior of the Steppe. Killed a Steppe Tiger at a young age to prove himself in the eyes of his tribe. Are you also from the Steppe, or have experience there?

Bareknuckle Boxer: One of the few Qerel who did not elect to pick up an axe at an early age, Colm prefers to let his fists do the talking. Often at the Pugilist's Guild, further honing his abilities.

Handyman: Colm isn't afraid to do odd jobs around Eorzea to earn a few extra gil. You may have seen him as a bartender, bouncer-for-hire, or even a chocobo carriage driver...

Eorzean Not-so-Socialite: Colm loves meeting new people, but does not know how to speak the Eorzean Common Language well. Do you speak the language of the Steppe? Do you like the idea of teaching a Xaela how to speak the Eorzean tongue?

Contact Me

Thank you for visiting one of my character's pages! Roleplaying and creating OC's in FFXIV is a fun destressor for me, and I'm almost always down to roleplay.

If you would like to approach me at a venue, do not be afraid to if I have my RP tag on. If I do not, please /tell me and say you are interested! I'd love to talk more about our characters and seeing how they could potentially meet. Colm's personal hooks can be found here.

My discord is sheep1shly#2323. Feel free to add me there -- I also offer gposing services if you like some of the pictures you find on this carrd or on the many others I have.

Real Name: Tseren Qerel
Nickname(s): Colm
Age: 22 Summers
Name Day: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)

At a Glance: The scent of burnt incense and oak peppers your nose as you draw closer to him, his body radiating heat like a magitek gunship. His expression is taunting, cocky -- and admittedly, a little narcissistic. He looks upon you with amusement, sizing you up as he patiently awaits for what you have to ask of him.